Saturday, August 9, 2014

Studying and Teaching

I haven't posted anything in a long time. I mean a very long time.

So what have I been up to? Very much actually. I am learning to ice-skate. Not that 'go around in circles with a hoard of other people' type of skating but rather the break a rib 'learning to skate backwards and hockey stop' kind of skating. It's fun.

Sailing. I have been exploring Johannesburg's Ocean, both on my dad's small yacht (Dream One) as well as racing on a friends bigger, faster, more streamlined yacht (Easy Beat). We have experienced gale force winds on two occasions, once during a regatta on Easy Beat. The strong winds worked to our advantage - great fun! On another occasion, 9km from home, on the much smaller Dream One, just my girlfriend as crew - not so much fun!

 My honours degree is nearing completion (Political Science) and next year I am going to Taiwan or China (haven't decided which one just yet) to teach English. Watch this space. In the meantime I am learning mandarin.

Ni hen xihuan hoor kafe, xien bo xien?

In the meantime, I fill my days with tutoring at the University as well as the large amount of studying that comes with doing an honours degree. In between all of this, I have completed my TESOL certification at the WITS Language School (and got a job there!) as well as learnt to slackline!

The TESOL course was much more challenging than learning to slackline (these two activities are, of course, comparable). It involved very little motor coordination (something I am good at) and a lot more speaking (something which I find more challenging). However the TESOL course was more rewarding because I am yet to have taught a Somali refugee how to slackline.

The Wits Language School offers free lessons to refugees from across Africa as a part of their community outreach. As a new teacher, teaching these lessons proved invaluable to both my growing as a teacher and my sense of involvement in helping out in the community. It was extremely enriching to see these students (many of whom could barely speak English to begin with) grow in their ability and confidence so that by the end of the course it was possible to have a conversation with them in English!

Seems a bit bland without pictures. The new GoPro is out in October, so until then... Use your imaginations!

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