Thursday, August 16, 2012

The scum of the earth

All Journalists are scum. At least according to a lovely lady I met the other day...

For those who don't yet know, I Au pair two young lads in the upmarket area of Sandton and one of my responsibilities is coercing them to go to swimming practice twice a week. My job ends once they are bundled into the pool and then my own personal horror begins.

You see their is very little to do at the side of a swimming pool - its why we drink so much waiting for our water polo games. Unfortunately Planet Fitness disapproves of this practice and so I am forced to endure 45 minutes of 'polite' conversation with Sandton mummies. 

It usually centers around two topics. Either how well their kids are doing in all aspects of life (having no kids myself it tends to be a rather one sided topic) or how terrible their child's particular school is. Having gone to a great school I struggle to relate to this and generally tend to suggest they send 'Precious' to boarding school. Hey, it worked for Spud.

Yesterday one of the mummies was telling me how her two young charges had been at O.R Tambo to welcome back the SA Olympic team and how terribly they had been treated by the Journalists trying to get pictures of the athletes. 

As far as I could determine, someone had stepped on her child's foot in the melee and this constituted a gross violation of media practice (or something even more insane). Anyway I let her rant fizzle out before informing her that I was in fact a journalist. And judging by her child's attempt to coordinate her breaststroke she probably stepped on her own foot.

We were at Oppi this past weekend and saw some amazing bands. But one of the highlights for me was running into a Photo-Journo who has already cut her teeth in the industry. She did her masters in war journalism (how cool) and her blog is here:

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